Dolly Alphonso
MATUNGA, JULY 13, 2010: The Annual General Meeting of the Provincial Federation of Don Bosco Past Pupils, Mumbai was held at Provincial House, Matunga on July 11, 2010 at 6 pm. Forty Seven members from different parts of Mumbai and Nashik were present. The meeting began with a Past Pupil’s prayer led by Mr. Wency Pinto. Rev. Fr. Dias, the provincial delegate of the Salesian Family welcomed the gathering. He then introduced Fr. Glenford Lowe, the chief guest of the evening. Mr. Ketan Gala read the annual report for the year 2009-2010. The statement of accounts was read by Mr. Wency Pinto. Each unit of the Federation then read out their yearly reports that were much appreciated by all.
Fr. Glenford Lowe, in his address to the gathering, invited the Past Pupils’ Federation to open itself to the present day scenario and offer significant Salesian style responses to the youth of today. Through a small activity and discussion he drew home the point that we must be ready to accept and enlarge our capacities to work together as a Federation.
Mr. Ketan Gala, the President of the Federation of the Mumbai Province thanked the gathering.