Claudina Pinto
MATUNGA, JULY 6, 2010: The Annual General Body meeting of the co-operators Bombay province was held on July 4, 2010 at A.V hall Provincial House Matunga.
Rev Fr. Brian Moras the national delegate of the vocation, Sr. Phyllis Fernandes the national delegate of the Salesian family, Rev. Fr. Elias Dias the provincial delegate of the Salesian family Mumbai. A group of Salesian co-operators from Kuwait and fifty-six Salesian co-operators were present for the meeting. The celebration began with a con-celebrated mass. In his homily Fr. Brian said “Jesus called his disciples for the kingdom of god and gave them values opposite to the world. This kingdom consists of justice, peace and love. And we are all called to spread his kingdom on earth.
After the holy mass Fr. Elias Dias welcomed the gathering. Mrs. Philomena Mendes read out the minutes of the previous AGM. Mrs. Jacinta D’Souza read the annual report as Mr. Christopher Gomes read out the statement of accounts.
Mrs. Claudina Pinto upraised the co-operators about the activities to be held during the coming year. Fr. Elias Dias spoke on the fund raising project of the Salesian family on July 6, 2010 he praised the few co-operators for their work and enthusiasm.
Since the general election of co-operators of Don Bosco of the Mumbai province was due. The assembly decided to re- appoint the same committee. All agreed and the election was held according to the norms of the constitution of the co-operators.
Mrs. Claudina Pinto- Provincial Coordinator, Mrs. Philomena Mendes- Secretary, Mr. Christopher Gomes- Treasurer, Mrs. Jacinta D’Ssouza- Counselor and Mrs. Priscilla D’Souza- Counselor. The new counsel was congratulated and the meeting ended with the vote of thanks by Mrs. Freda D’Souza.