Fr. Vivian D'Souza sdb

WADALA, FEBRUARY 06, 2012: The Salesian cooperators celebrated their Promise Day on January 29, 2012 at an impressive Eucharistic planned by the Salesian Cooperators. Fr. Wilfred D'Souza the Provincial Delegate of the Salesian Cooperators for the Mumbai Province was the main celebrant. Three of our Cooperators, namely Ms. Leena D'Silva, Mrs. Elizabeth Raut and Mrs. Irene Shah took their promise to be full-fledged Salesian Cooperators in the Wadala Unit.

The Local Coordinator, Mrs. Jacinta D'Souza, accepted the Promise in the name of the Association. She was responsible for the training and the paperwork involved in the process of accepting the candidates into the Association.  The relatives of the three candidates as well as the Provincial Coordinator Mrs. Claudinha Pinto and a few Cooperators from the other units of Mumbai were present for this ceremony that took place at the Parish mass. The candidates were prepared for this day by the local delegate, Fr. Vivian D'Souza with three intensive sessions on the Project of Apostolic Life as well as a year's preparation through study sessions and participation in the activities of the association. After the celebration of the Eucharist the guests were treated to a modest breakfast. The Parish team and the Cooperators of the unit joined in for a festive lunch. We are grateful to the Provincial Council for guiding us and for accepting the application of the  three candidates to take the promise on January 29.