Philomena Mendes
KURLA, SEPTEMBER 30, 2011: It was a time of gratitude to God, a celebration of a Salesian vocation and reason to appreciate commitment and fidelity with joy.

Mrs. Theresa Pereira, Mrs. Philomena Mendes, Mrs. Rita D’Souza, Ms. Angeline Mendes, Mrs. Alice D’mello and Mr. Leo Pereira came together on Sunday, September 25, with family, friends and Salesian Co-operators to celebrate the Silver Jubilee of taking their promise as Salesian Co- operators.
At the Eucharist, concelebrated with the Salesian Community of Kurla, Fr. Adolph Furtado the Rector commended and thanked the Jubiliarians for their work and wished them well. He reminded them of Don Bosco’s expectations of the Salesian Co- operators especially in the area of the media. It was an emotional moment when the Jubiliarians renewed their promise surrounded by the Salesian Family.

A Get-together followed wherein the Past Pupils, Salesians, Salesian Co-operators, family and friends felicitated the Jubilarians. The presence of the Provincial Delegate Fr. Wilfred Dsouza as well as Mrs. Claudia Pinto, Provincial Coordinator was an expression of appreciation for the work and commitment of the Kurla Jubiliarians and the Unit.

Thanks to the capable organization of the local delegate Fr. Joe Braganza. It was a day that will be remembered with happiness by all.


Philomeena Mendes
MATUNGA, SEPTEMBER 7, 2011: On Sunday September 4, 2011 eighty members comprising Salesian Cooperators, ADMA, FMA, and Past Pupils gathered at St. Andrews High School, Bandra from 8.30 am. Fr. Wilfred D’Souza, Salesian Family Delegate welcomed Fr. Bastin Thomas sdb the preacher, as well as all the participants. A prayerful meditation on Psalm 94 before the Blessed Sacrament, interspersed with Hindi bhajans helped us spend time with Jesus.

After a short break and fellowship, Fr. Thomas presented the topic “Don Bosco the Exorcist” very vividly with excerpts from the Biographical Memoirs. Don Bosco had to fight the harassment of the Evil one against him and his boys. Spiritismrampant in Turin also lured away good Catholics. The participants interacted very well and various points were raised. It was clear that we have a duty to proclaim and not compromise our faith in every challenging situation.  Fr. D’Souza in his homily at the Eucharist, concelebrated with Fr. Thomas, showed how God made Ezekiel responsible for admonishing God’s people. Jesus too wants us to help those who are going astray. Don Bosco calls the Salesian Family to bring the young to Jesus. He also made a mention of the Pastoral letter the Cardinal had just issued, concerning the new texts of the Missal to be in use from Advent this year.

Fr. Magi Murzello, Principal of St. Andrew School was profusely thanked for giving us the A.V. hall as well as organizing the canteen for our snacks and lunch. A bouquet of flowers and a Thank You card will be taken by Sr. Alka to him as he could not be present.

After a brief Vote of Thanks by Mrs. Claudina, the group started walking in procession to the Mount reciting the Rosary and the Divine Mercy prayer and singing hymns to Our Lady. After venerating our Blessed Mother and a cup tea, all dispersed having participated in a spiritual feast.


Wilfred D’Souza sdb
VASAI, AUGUST 27, 2011: When the Relic of Don Bosco arrived at Our Lady of Grace Cathedral in Papdy, Vasai on the August 11, the enthusiasm and excitement was almost tangible. The crowds seemed never ending. The whole organization was diligently and ably guided and directed by Fr. William Falcao sdb assisted by a very large dedicated band of Salesian Past Pupils.

Some of the more committed of them with their spouses were seeking more than just a passing memorable event. As the long hours of the afternoon stretched into the night, a small group gathered with their own banner, prepared to launch the Vasai Unit of the Salesian Cooperators. It was to be the fulfilment of a long cherished dream that they had nurtured for several years.

A group of them held their first meeting on the August 20, 2011 to try and understand more clearly what the vocation of a Salesian Cooperator implies and to trace the way ahead. They listened attentively, discussed at length and chalked up some practical lines of action.

We now follow them with interest and wish them a fruitful growth in the Salesian Family.


Roshan Fernandes
The units of the Federation held their AGM on July 31, 2011, at the Provincial House, Matunga Mumbai from 10.00 am. There were forty six members present with a representative and delegate from Chottaudepur and the Delegate from Chinchwad. The Lonavla and Pune Units excused themselves.
Mr. Joseph Gomes led everyone into prayer; the President Mr. Ketan Gala welcomed the gathering, the Chief Guest Fr. Ajoy Fernandes, the Vice Provincial, and our newly appointed Delegate Fr. Wilfred D’Souza. In his welcoming address, Fr. D’Souza greeted the gathering and profusely thanked the outgoing Delegate Rev. Fr. Elias Dias for the wonderful work done all these years, with total dedication.
Fr. Ajoy Fernandes, the Delegates and the members from Nashik and Gujarat were felicitated with a bouquet of flowers. The Provincial Report was read out by the Secretary Mr. Wenceslaus Pinto. The Provincial Accounts were read by the Treasurer Mr. Joseph Gomes. The individual units presented their reports. The ex Delegate Rev. Fr. Elias Dias in absentia, was then given a standing ovation of thanks and appreciation for the marvelous work done for the last seventeen years.
Rev. Fr. Ajoy Fernandes a past pupil himself spoke on the unity of PP (Past Pupils). Seniors as well as the juniors together congratulated the Federation for all the reports and for maintaining the accounts well; and appreciated their active participation at the National and the Provincial level. He spoke on the Relic of Don Bosco which is the Hand that comforted and blessed millions of people; it comes now through the streets of Mumbai to bless us. He then invited the PP to look at different dimensions of: (1). Education & Culture, (2) Spiritual formation that contributes to life, (3) Fellowship and Groups with their families bonding relationship, (4) Physical Elements like the Games bonding togetherness.
Our Delegate Fr. Wilfred D’Souza said that PP is part of the Salesian Family, which has twenty eight branches, eight of which are there in India. He called for the family members of the PP to get involved; for bonding as batch mates with their past teachers; and for present SSC Students to be introduced to the Federation. Files and registers are to be well maintained. Encourage the PP in local areas to enter civil and political life example, the BMC and other public bodies. After the visit of The Relic of Don Bosco, continue the enthusiasm as we move to celebrate the bicentenary of the saint’s birth in 2015 and see how we can make Don Bosco known through the Media.
The meeting concluded at 12.15 pm with a Vote of thanks proposed by our President Mr. Ketan Gala.


Philomena Mendes
MATUNGA, JULY 25, 2011: The Salesian Cooperators as well as the SDB and FMA Delegates met together at the Provincial House on Sunday July 17, 2011, form 5pm- 8pm for their Annual General Meeting. In all thirty six Salesian Cooperators and seven sdb/fma delegates were present.
The Holy Eucharist was celebrated by Fr. Wilfred D’Souza, new Provincial Salesian Family Delegate. He stressed that in our units too, we all have to journey together and we should not encourage negative attitudes towards others. We have to use our meetings to build and not to destroy.
The minutes of the last AGM were read and passed. Mrs. Claudina Pinto, Provincial Coordinator read a note of gratitude and farewell to Fr. Elias Dias, the outgoing Provincial Delegate and a standing ovation of appreciation was given to him in absentia. The Annual General Report, a summary of Activity Reports and the Statement of Accounts for the year 2010-2011 were read and passed. Lists of the programmes that are lined up for the coming year were then presented. Fr. D’Souza concluded the meeting, exhorting our units to grow in numbers, stressing the importance for initial and ongoing Formation to be guided by a local Councilor in charge of Formation, who should be prepared for this.
The members expressed a strong desire to gather round the relic of Don Bosco when it visits the Shrine at Matunga.


Elias Dias sdb
MUMBAI, JANUARY 18, 2011: The annual Salesian Family Day of Mumbai Province was held on January 16, 2011 at Our Lady of Dolorus Church, Wadala from 11am to 4pm. This year we made a change in the time table for the benefit of the out stationed members of the Salesian Family. Hundred and eighty seven members of the different branches of the family participated in the Family Day.
At the outset of the programme Rev. Fr. Elias Dias welcomed Rev Fr. Provincial Fr. Michael Fernandes for the concelebrated Mass. He thanked the Parish Priest and units of cooperators and Past pupils for organizing this programme. He also thank all the members specially those who came from outside Mumbai for their love, enthusiasm and sacrifice.

Fr. Michael Fernandes concelebrated the Holy Eucharist with other priests. In his homily he highlighted the strenna of 2011 Come and See. The call of Jesus is extended to all so that we may be active members in the mission of Jesus. Evangelization and vocation are two inseparable aspects of the strenna. All evangelized are called to become disciples of Jesus. Fr. Provincial drew our attention towards the specific call of the disciples who are called to share experience with others. In his pedagogical direction Fr. Provincial asked the members of the Salesian Family to appreciate their vocation and ask others to come and see the Salesian way of life.
After the Mass the strenna of the Rector Major 2011 was projected in the A.V. Hall. Last year the strenna was “Sir, we want to see Jesus” This year Fr. Chaves makes a heartfelt appeal to the whole Salesian Family to feel the need for vocation ministry. He calls us to feel more strongly than ever the challenges of creating a vocational culture in every setting such that that young people may discover life as a call and all the Salesian Ministry may be truly vocational. Another fundamental element in vocation ministry is a regular personal accompaniment of the young person.
Fr. Wilfred D Souza presented the Pilgrimage of the Casket. This will be an occasion to take up once again in our heads the life of Don Bosco as desired by the Rector Major. The Worldwide Salesian Family will come to pray, before the casket forming a community of faith called by Christ to holiness. A family which desires to sanctify itself following the example of Don Bosco.
This pilgrimage through hundred and twenty countries will conclude in time for the second centenary of the birth of St. John Bosco. The relics of Don Bosco will be in our Province from August 4 to August 16, 2011. It is hoped that the entire event will help our people and us to love, to study, to imitate, to pray and make Don Bosco known.
The presentations were followed by a few entertainment items. Units of Cooperators from Wadala and Borivli entertained the members with their song and dance. Fr. Vincent Rasquinha blessed the food. It was followed by a sort housie game. Fr. Elson Barretto spoke on Don Bosco Development Society. DBDS is a network of partner organizations working across the states of Maharashtra, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan with tribal, rural and urban communities. Their major areas of work are 1. Agricultural and Ecological Department. 2. Promotion of People’ Rights and Good Governance. 3. Skill Developments and Livelihood Promotion 4. Universal Education and 5. Child Protection and Child Rights.

Fr. Ajoy Fernandes developed the concept on MORD and the Youth Ministry. Youth Ministry does the work by imparting SYS training to all in our formation houses and we have well defined project for them. In our parishes we have given a great boost to Altar Servers and a youth movements. We are hoping that through this more involved methodology we will also be able to inspire and motivate boys to join us. Thus youth and vocation ministry are tied together
Fr. Brian Moras spoke on Vocation Ministry and Vocation Guidance which aim at enabling the young person to understand what God wants him to do. Vocation Ministry also focuses on helping young people to understand if God is really calling them to the Priesthood or Religious Life.
Fr. Joaquim Fernandes dealt with the communication aspect in our Province. He said that the Tej- Prasarini is involved disseminating information. To give pastoral formation and finally engaged in production. He said that SPCSA is intending to bring out a movie on Don Bosco.

Sr. Phyllis Fernandes raised the vote of thanks, thus came the end of Salesian Family Day 2011.